Accreditation & Compliance
Tohono O’odham Community College completed the process for continued accreditation by submitting its report to its accrediting body, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) on February 26, 2016. A site visit was conducted on March 28 and 29, 2016 by a three-member team appointed by the HLC. The team recommended, and the HLC approved, continued accreditation with reports on progress in academic assessment, program review, and collection and application of institutional data that were due in February 2018. The reports were submitted and approved.
The Process
Beginning in 2015, the process for continued accreditation for TOCC became the Standard Pathway, which includes a web-based, streamlined process for documenting and maintaining all Higher Learning Commission (HLC) reports. The Standard Pathway is a ten-year cycle, with TOCC beginning the cycle in 2015.
The Quest to Satisfy Requirements
In 2010, TOCC completed the requirements for continued accreditation after initial accreditation in 2005. The 2010 Self-Study Report was written under a former process that required paper documentation and mailing the documents to a five-member team. The HLC Team visited TOCC on November 2 and 10, 2010. The HLC accepted the team’s recommendation, and in February 2011, TOCC received continued accreditation with a required focused visit on assessment and strategic planning in 2012.
In October 2012, TOCC received a “focused visit.” The HLC team determined that TOCC provided appropriate assurance of progress in the assessment and strategic planning. The HLC agreed with the recommendation, so no further action was required to demonstrate meeting HLC standards.
Initial Accreditation
In February 2005, TOCC received initial accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission, meaning that its degree programs and credit courses would transfer to other colleges and universities. Accreditation acknowledges that TOCC offers educational programs that meet accredited academic standards and provides a system for accountability and continuous improvement.
TOCC was granted initial candidacy by the HLC in 2002. In 2004, It achieved Land Grant College status when it was added to the US Department of Agriculture’s list of the 1994 Land Grant Institutions that include Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs).
TOCC was chartered by the Tohono O’odham Nation in 1998 and opened its doors in 2000 under an MOU with Pima Community College (PCC). PCC provided degrees and certificates for TOCC students as an accredited institution of higher learning until TOCC achieved accreditation in 2005.