Tohono O'odham Community College S-cuk Du'ag Maṣcamakuḍ (Main Campus)
S-cuk Du’ag Maṣcamakuḍ (Main Campus) is located on Arizona Highway 86, Milepost 125.5 North. Please look out for the TOCC campus billboard and marquee.
The following are located at S-cuk Du’ag Maṣcamakuḍ:
Academic Advising
Admissions & Registration
Apedag Ki: (Wellness Center)
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Financial Aid
GED Testing Site
IT (Tech Support)
O’odham Ñi’okĭ Ki: (O’odham Language Center)
Student Success Coordinator
S-Ki:kig Maṣcama Ki: Many Houses – the Phoenix Center
TOCC’s S-Ki:kig Maṣcama Ki: (the Phoenix Center) is located in Suite 555 on the 5th floor of the Native Connections Building, just across from Central High School.
The following are located at S-Ki:kig Maṣcama Ki:
General Education Courses in Math, English, and Art
Virtual Learning Environment classrooms
Computer Lab for TOCC students
Tohono O'odham Community College Wiṣag Koṣ Maṣcamakuḍ (West Campus)
TOCC Wiṣag Koṣ Maṣcamakuḍ (West Campus) is located at Mile Marker 111 on Arizona Highway 86, just west of Sells, Arizona at the former Tohono O’odham Career Center.
The following are located at Wiṣag Koṣ Maṣcamakuḍ: