Tuition & Fees
The total cost of attendance depends on whether you are a part-time or full-time student, your housing, course books, and other information specific to your enrollment. The information on this page will help you calculate your costs and understand what to expect your payments to be.
General Costs
Housing fees are $1,200 per semester, with a $150 damage deposit and a refundable $40 key deposit. See Student Housing for further information.
Tuition & Fee Payments
Refer to the Financial Aid page to calculate your total general tuition and fees. Use the total number of credit hours for which you have signed up and your residency status. Tuition, fees, and refunds are subject to change.
Tuition And Fee Holds
If you owe Tohono O’odham Community College money from a previous term, you cannot register for the current term until you pay your debt.
You may pay your debt at the Tohono O’odham Community College Finance Office. For more information, call 520-479-2300. Ask for the finance office.
For an immediate release of your hold from Tohono O’odham Community College prior to registration, you must pay in cash or by check. Payments by check require 15 working days before your hold can be released.
You must pay for any classes you have registered for. If you do not plan to attend any of the classes you registered for, you must drop them by the stated, official drop deadline. If you add classes after making a payment, you are accepting responsibility for any additional tuition and fees. TOCC assesses a $25 late fee on all accounts not paid in full by the official drop deadline. Please read more about Payment Options and Refunds.