The Students Thriving, Achieving, and Rising Together (START) Program engages 9 –12 grade students in college and career readiness programming. The programming provides exposure to higher education and the workforce, providing students with tools and opportunities for success. The program includes in-school workshops, the TOCC Dual Enrollment Program, and the Summer Institute.
Tohono O’odham Community College’s START Program has partnered with Tohono O’odham High School, Ha:ṣañ Preparatory & Leadership School, and Baboquivari High School to offer in-school workshops throughout the academic year aimed at college and career exploration and exposure. Workshop content is developed based on student data and feedback to address our Tohono O’odham students’ specific needs and concerns.
The Summer Institute aims to immerse students in a college environment centered around academic and professional development. Students will participate in cultural experiences which embody our core values to prepare them for the next stage in life, whether entering college, the workforce or preparing for their next year in high school.
Past, present, and future students are connected with Tohono O’odham Community College Alumni, local organizations, and resources to empower high school students along their academic and professional career path through this program rooted in the O’odham cultural values of working together, sharing knowledge, and creating a community-based approach.