University of Arizona

Agnese Nelms Haury Program:
A Student's Journey

Staff Contacts

Annamarie Stevens
Transition Coordinator
Tohono O’odham Community College

Alex Benavides
Program Coordinator
Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center
University of Arizona

A Student’s Journey (ASJ), is a program that is grant funded by the Agnese Nelms Haury Program for Social and Environmental Justice (Haury). It is a joint-collaboration between Tohono O’odham Community College (TOCC) and the Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center (SWEHSC) at the University of Arizona.

ASJ has set out to increase the number of Native Americans attaining a bachelor’s degree on the Tohono O’odham Nation (Nation; TON) in order to fill the professional jobs within the tribe. The program has also worked to increase the number of transfer students from TOCC by developing a sense of belonging at 4-year universities and increasing academic and professional capacity building. ASJ is a year-round program with academic, professional development, work experience experiences which the participants share with students at TOCC.

5-Week On Campus Summer Experience

  • Earn 3 Units of College Credit (Enrollment in UArizona course)
  • Receive Stipend
  • Live on Campus at UArizona
  • Visit your college of interest
  • Internship Based on Academic Interest (25 hours per week)
  • Explore UA & Tucson
  • Academic Advising, Career Workshops, Social Events, and more

Community Fall Practicum Experience

  • Internship Placement Based on academic interest (based on schedule) for students returning to TOCC
  • Develop workforce readiness skills w/ a Tohono O’odham Nation Department
  • Students Graduating from TOCC
  • Develop workforce readiness skills at next college/university destination