Our bookstore is located in Room 22 in the I-We:mta Ki: building at S-cuk Du’ag Maṣcamakuḍ (formerly main campus). There you’ll find textbooks, school supplies, T-shirts, polo shirts, coffee mugs, and much more. Bookstore staff members are available to assist students in selecting appropriate textbooks based on instructor and course reference numbers.
Questions & Answers About Textbooks
How do I order my textbooks?
- An order form is usually provided every semester via this webpage and is sent out via TOCC email.
- You will need a copy of your schedule in order to make sure that you select the correct section of the course should the instructor require traditional textbooks.
My class has an OER option. What is that?
OER is short for open-education resources and are no cost alternatives to traditional textbooks. OERs are usually provided via the course Canvas page by your instructor.
I’m Native American. I thought tuition was waived. Why am I being charged for tuition?
TOCC is waiving tuition to students who have provided proof of tribal enrollment from a Federally-recognized tribe as part of their admissions application.
Do I need to be from a Federally-recognized tribe to receive a waiver for books and fees?
No, you do not. Books and fees are waived for ALL TOCC students.
OER is short for open-education resources and are no cost alternatives to traditional textbooks. OERs are provided via the course Canvas page by your instructor.
What happens if I need to pay for my books?
There are a few options available:
- You may use your debit or credit card.
- We can accept checks or money orders. Please make them out to Tohono O’odham Community College.
- We can work with you on payment plans, or if you are expecting scholarships or other aid, we can bill your account and deduct the price of the books from any financial award that you might receive.
You may mail payments to
Tohono O’odham Community College
ATTN: Bookstore
PO BOX 3129
Sells, AZ 85634
How do payment plans work?
The bookstore team reviews your student account, assesses all outstanding charges, and provides you with a total. From there, we typically divide it up by a term of five to six months, but we can work with students in extreme situations on a case-by-case basis. Please email or call us for further information. The last thing we want to do is make financial concerns an obstacle to receiving a college education.