Dual Enrollment Program

Through Dual Enrollment, high school students can get a jump start on college by earning college credits while attending high school.

Dual Enrollment

Staff Information

Jai Juan

(520) 479-2300
ext: 1234

The Dual Enrollment program has been designed to be a bridge for high schools and the community college. Students who are enrolled in the program, excel in specific courses designed to provide convenience, support, and academic rigor for high school students. The Dual Enrollment Program has provided many opportunities for students to accomplish writing, reading, language, history and math requirements for TOCC and state universities.

Juniors and Seniors are welcome to register in the program and receive academic credit for the course from both the college and the high school. The Dual Enrollment courses are taught on the TOCC Campus, high school campuses, or online. Courses offered will be numbered 100 level and above and are transferable to another post-secondary institution.

For Students and Families

Forms for Students and Families:

  1. Registration Transaction Form 
  2. Dual Enrollment Form 
  3. Domicile Affidavit Form 
  4. Application Process
  5. Financial Aid Section
  6. Support and Tutoring 
  7. Transfer Information

For Administrators

Working with TOCC

Forms for Administrators:

  1. Draft IGA
  2. TOCC Dual Enrollment Handbook 
  3. Dual Enrollment Policy
  4. Expenses
    1. Tuition and Fees 
    2. Books and Instructional Material

Key Dates for Administrators:

  1. Course Request and Approval Dates 
    1. Summer 2022 
      1. Course Requests will need to be submitted 2 months prior to the start of the semester. 
      2. April 2022
    2. Fall 2022 
      1. Course Requests will need to be submitted 2 months prior to the start of the semester. 
      2. June 2022 
    3. Spring 2023
      1. Course Requests will need to be submitted 2 months prior to the start of the semester. 
      2. November 2022

For Instructors

Forms for Instructors:

  1. For Instructors: 
    1. Instructor Recommendation Form 
    2. Application Process Certification Requirements 
    3. Syllabus Template (found on TOCC webpage)