Program Terminology
S-ke:g Taṣ! Welcome to Assessment of Student Learning Program Terminology
Program Terminology
Program: At TOCC a program refers to a degree of study such as an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science, or to a Certificate.
Program of Study (POS): AT TOCC a POS provides a list of required courses with the number of credits required for a particular program. POSs are in the TOCC catalog and on the website at
Program Learning Outcome (PLOs) are defined as the knowledge, skills, abilities, or attitudes that students have at the completion of a degree or certificate. Each program identifies three to six PLOs that are measurable and linked to a curriculum map and program level assessment process. PLOs for each academic program are in the TOCC catalog under each program description.
Curriculum Map: A curriculum map provides a visual of how courses lead to the introduction, reinforcement, and assessment of PLOs. It provides faculty with a tool to critically look at their curriculum from a holistic perspective and assess how specific courses fit within the broader curriculum. The curriculum map is also the start of the development of a program level assessment plan, which faculty and administration use to determine the success of a program or whether adjustments to programs need to be made. An example can be found in the New Program Form here.
Program Level Assessment: Program Level Assessment does not focus on an individual student. Rather, the emphasis is on what and how an academic program is contributing to the learning, growth and development of students as a group. A quality assessment plan reflects specific PLOs and a well-articulated plan for timely implementation, strategic data collection and analysis, and use of findings to inform, confirm, and support program level change and accomplishments and continuous program level improvement (Darling-Hammond, 2019).
General Education Goals (GEG): The GEG convey what a graduate from TOCC should know by the time they graduate and set out fulfilling their academic dreams and/or beginning their new career. The GEG can be found on page 56 of the 2020-2020 TOCC Catalog or by CLICKING HERE. GEG are accomplished at TOCC through completion of the general education courses which are also part of the Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC).
Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) and General Education Requirements: All degree programs (with exception of certificates) at TOCC require students to take a group of General Education Curriculum courses to complete their degrees. Completion of all the Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) block of classes will give TOCC students a group of courses that will transfer to all public universities in Arizona. These AGEC course blocks generally also transfer to other universities. Each TOCC degree program lists recommended AGEC course blocks. If for some reason another AGEC course needs to be substituted for the recommended AGEC course in a program, then the Academic Dean may approve a substitute AGEC course. More information about AGEC requirements can be found in the TOCC catalog.
Core Requirements: Programs at TOCC include core courses that focus on the degree concentration area.
Elective Requirements: At TOCC, programs may offer an assortment of elective courses that a student can choose from based on the student’s interest.
Program Review is a process that evaluates the status, effectiveness, and progress of academic programs and helps identify the future direction, needs, and priorities of those programs (Bryant, 2020). Programs are reviewed every four years and that process is initiated and guided by the Dean of the area the program falls under and involves the full-time faculty who teach in the program.